Sixth Generation of Peruvian startups given boost by StartUp Peru

Photo courtesy of Facebook StartUp Peru

The sixth edition of StartUp Peru landed in Lima this Thursday with the continued aims of digital disruption, creation of new ideas and promoting original ventures. The initiative is led by the Peruvian government by way of the Ministry of Production and consists of a series of competitions and financial support for entrepreneurs, early-stage startups and incubators, with the idea of strengthening the innovation ecosystem in the country .

The program is hoping to replicate similar programs around Latin America like Parallel 18 in Puerto Rico, StartUp Chile and, more recently, IncuBAte in Buenos Aires. However, unlike other programs for LATAM startups where international entrepreneurs are invited, StartUp Peru seeks to attract Peruvian entrepreneurs by offering significant financial assistance to those meeting the criteria outlined on their website.

Up to S/.500,000 is offered for companies with a unique technological innovation that seeks to improve the community around it. A total of 15 million soles has been allocated for the program to be distributed among categories like Innovative Entrepreneurs, Dynamic Entrepreneurship and High-Impact Companies. Other non-financial benefits in the way of mentoring and office space are also provided to forward thinking startups.

This year’s summit will surely look to build on the technologically impressive startups that were formed in 2016 like, for example Jellyfish Biorobotics and H2Drones Water Solutions. A sample of startups to look for this year include:

Ansolutions,for example, aims to help other companies make the transition to digital transformation through an analysis of marketing data.

Riqra changes the traditional concept of supplying to businesses through a portfolio and online promotion, which then  allows the consumer to have prices relative to their consumption, all found on a single platform.

Nanda is an online platform to find and book beauty services, this platform can schedule appointments for your favorite barbershop, search dyes, haircuts or manicures, or simply schedule a massage at a nice spa. A customer can access the platform 24/7. Startup Mesa247 has a similar platform for booking popular restaurants in Peru.

QuipuPOS,allows a virtual point of sale for any business, from the easy access of a mobile platform, and generates an analysis of how data moves your business on the platform.

Netzun,is a technologybased venture behind that can have great social impact. It promotes first jobs in Peruvian workers and recent graduates of universities. It currently has more than 50,000 registered users.

Other ventures that were were there include Chazki, Culqi, Mandu, Manki and Bocadio. The  program lasts until 28 February, 2018 and applications can be made on the initiative’s website.
